The River City vision will now be realized!
On 11 October 2012 the River City Gothenburg vision was adopted by the City Council. The vision states River City - open to the world. It is accompanied by three strategies, embrace the water, connect the city and reinforce the centre. Work is now underway to realize the vision, from words to action.
The newly started project Embedded research and learning for realization of River City vision will follow, document and support the realization of the vision. The project is a collaboration between the City of Gothenburg and Mistra Urban Futures.
- It is challenging to transform a vision into action. There is now a unique opportunity to study just that and also support the implementation phase, says Sara Brorström embedded researcher, at Gothenburg Research Institute (GRI), at the School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg.
- The City of Gothenburg is keen to obtain an independent examination and documentation of the implementation process and also draw knowledge from current research says Bo Aronsson, City of Gothenburg City, responsible for the development of the River City vision.
What is Embedded Research?
Embedded research implies that researcher’s document and report, ask questions and discuss what has been researched through a continuous dialogue. What differs from more traditional research methods is that it implies the possibility to influence processes while they happen. Data collection will consist of different methods such as observations, interviews, shadowing techniques and document studies. The combinations of different data collection methods have earlier proved to be most suitable when studying complex processes.
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Project Embedded research and learning for realization of River City vision
RiverCity vision
Sara Brorström, Embedded researcher, at Gothenburg Research Institute (GRI), at the School of Business, Economics and Law, University of Gothenburg
Photo: City of Gothenburg