Sara Brorström receives Best Paper Award
Sara Brorström, Ph D, University of Gothenburg and one of Mistra Urban Futures’ researchers in Gothenburg, was recently presented with a Best Paper Award for the 2018 article “How Numbers of the Future are Shaping Today: The Role of Foreceasts and Calculations in Public Sector Strategic Thinking”, published in the Financial Accountability and Management Journal (Scotland).
The article examines the role of numbers in forming a city strategy in the case of Gothenburg, Sweden. It illustrates how numbers make people act and react and shape the strategy process. The effect is paradoxical: the future‐looking strategy process becomes a forum for solving current problems.
Sara Brorström has followed the development and realisation of visions and strategies regarding the “River City Gothenburg” project since it was adopted by the City Council in 2012. The main research question has been how the city organises its work internally and how it collaborates with other stakeholders and partners. Several articles have been published; see the project page for publication list and more information.