Planning for diversity in Malmö
4 October
Segregation and inequality predominate cities in general, including Malmö and Copenhagen. This workshop set focus on city planning for diversity as a tool to counteract such developments. It aims at facilitating exchange of knowledge, experiences and collaborations between different actors, including politicians, civil servants, architects, activists and researchers.
We expect to create fruitful exchanges through dialogue between diverse perspectives and actors, resulting in creative learning processes across different sectors. Welcome to a participant-active workshop with input from both practice and research! A light lunch is provided for registered participants.
09:00–09:30 Coffee/tea
09:30–09:45 Introduction
09:45-10:15 Thinking community without unity. Ida Sandström
10:15–10:45 Planning for a social coherent and mixed city in Copenhagen. Line Jensen Buch
10:45-11:45 Discussion
11:45–13:00 LUNCH sandwich with coffee/tea
13:00–13:30 How do people of native descent experience superdiverse neighborhoods? Maurice Crul
13:30–14:00 Intersections between urban planning and global migration governance. Ellen Percy Kraly
14:00–15:00 Discussion
15:00– Mingle
Ellen Percy Kraly holds the William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor of Geography and Environmental Studies at Colgate University. Throughout 2019, she is serving as the Willy Brandt Guest Professor at Malmö University. She has extensive expertise of migration, including the UN Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular migration. Ida Sandström has recently defended her dissertation on urban diversity at the Department of Architecture, Lund University. She is trained as an architect and has a background as an urban planner. Line Jensen Buch is special consultant at the City of Copenhagen. She has worked with integrated urban renewal, public housing and policy of disadvantaged areas. Since 2018 she is part of a task force coordinating and developing the municipality´s management of the new Danish ghetto law. Maurice Crul is a Professor of Sociology at the Free University in Amsterdam. He is currently leading the ERC project Becoming A Minority (BAM) about the integration of people of native descent in majority minority neighborhoods in six European cities (among others in Malmö).
Registration: The event is free of charge but the number of places are limited. Coffee and lunch is included. Please sign up by sending an mail to rebecka.soderberg@mau.se
This event is financed by IUR (Institute for Urban Research) at Malmö University. It is organised by Erica Righard, Tina G Jensen & Rebecka Söderberg (Malmö University) and Mattias Kärrholm (Lund University) in cooperation with MIM and SKLIP/Mistra Urban Futures.
Photo: Unsplash.com Robert Bye