Invitation to explore: The Art of Facilitating Co-production in Transdisciplinary Research Projects
Gothenburg Network of Facilitators promoting co-creation and co-production (Go!Create) hereby offers a day of exploring tools, methods and methodical reflection upon facilitating TD research projects. The GoCreate network is hosted by Mistra Urban Futures.
This day answers to the interest expressed at the TD-facilitation workshop in Gothenburg in March. You will be given the possibility to participate, learn, exercise and reflect upon facilitation of co-creation/co-production processes, addressing challenges that the group brings to the table.
Date: Monday 9:th of September 2019
Time: 8:30-16:30
Preliminary program
08:30 Registration. Coffee/tea
09:00 Welcome. Introduction. Check in.
09:20 What are the challenges in co-creation/co-production in TD research projects? Setting our agenda. Participants are invited to bring experiences, challenges, methods/tools, questions that they want to explore, share or reflect upon.
10:20 Session I (we explore one of the challenges as a full group)
11:20 Joint reflection on the methodology used in previous session
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Introduction to the following sessions and an invitation to join the sessions that interest you most!
13:30 Session II (parallel sessions)
14:10 Session III (parallel sessions)
14:30 Joint reflection on our experiences of methodology from previous sessions.
15:00 Process Design – My next step
16:00 Check-out
16:30 End of seminar
Transportation and accommodation is covered by participants themselves.
Venue: Chalmers Conference, Chalmersplatsen 1, Chalmers University of Technology. Go to Conference Centre and room: Valdemar.
Register here
Fee: 500 SEK
Questions and more information: Sophia Kaså kasas@chalmers.se
+46 (0)706 76 30 82
Looking forward to a day of co-creation of knowledge in Gothenburg!
The GoCreate hosting team
Warm welcome!
Read more about the TD-Conference that take place on the 10 to the 13 September, in Gothenburg
Photo by: Kelly Sikkema/Unsplash.com