Vision and Mission 

Mistra Urban Futures addresses one of today’s key societal challenges: How can sustainable urban development be achieved within our planet’s boundaries? Our vision and mission are: 

Vision: Sustainable urbanisation where cities are accessible, green and fair.


Mission: To generate and use knowledge for transitions towards sustainable urban futures through reflective co-creation at local and global levels.


Accessible, Green and Fair cities are core urban attributes underpinning the Centre’s work in drawing attention to the essential, albeit contested, characteristics of urban sustainability and how they are managed. 

Accessible Cities: Promoting efficient and equitable access to urban qualities, opportunities and services.

Green Cities: Managing resource constraints, urban environments, ecosystems and climate change sustainably.

Fair Cities: Securing urban equity, social inclusion, cultural diversity and urban commons. 

As a research and knowledge centre, our contribution is to generate and enable implementation of knowledge that promotes sustainable urbanization. Read more about our Reseach Agenda.  

Reflective co-creation across disciplines and at local and global levels is our way of working. When researchers and practitioners from different disciplines work together in different research projects, we are convinced that we can find new critical insights and locally appropriate outcomes. Read more about Co-creation. 

In the Open Access book Rethinking sustainable cities - Accessible, Green and Fair, published by Policy Press and edited by David Simon, the Centre Director explores the concepts of Accessible, Green and Fair.