Member of German Parliament visits Mistra Urban Futures in Gothenburg
Klaus Mindrup, SPD, interested in sustainable urban development
Klaus Mindrup, German politician and member of the German parliament (SPD) visited Mistra Urban Futures, at the end of February. Klaus Mindrup is engaged in issues such as affordable housing, energy and climate-actions. He wanted to know more about, for example, how Mistra Urban Futures works with Urban Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals.
David Simon, director of Mistra Urban Futures, and Sanna Isemo, co-ordinator of the Gothenburg platform presented Mistra Urban Futures' work with the Sustainable Development Goals and how co-operation towards Sustainable Urban Development works on a local and global level. Diego Peñaloza, Ph D, Swedish Environmental Research Institute (IVL), presented IVL research and the development of databases and digitalization for Life Cycle Assessment-tools (LCA), to be used in the construction and concrete sectors, as examples.
- It is very interesting to see that the industry is heading towards a change and that they focus on reducing climate change impact. It is most needed and welcomed, Klaus Mindrup said.