Business-driven Sustainable Urban Development

Mistra Urban Futures pilot project Business-driven Sustainable Urban Development produces knowledge about conditions for business-driven sustainable urban development, with a particular focus on areas where collaboration between industry and the public sector is the basis for sustainable urban development.

The project team consists of researchers and practitioners from among others, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, University of Gothenburg, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Göteborg Business Region, Preera, Ramböll, White Architects, urban planning offices and municipalities.
The project is largely based on various forms of collaboration. Different scientific disciplines, private and public organizations have the opportunity to continually give input to the project. The results from the workshops, the final conference and final report will be very largely based on the interaction between different disciplines and operations. The aim of collaborating within the project is to a maximum extent take advantage of different skills, which is vital as climate adaptation is inherently transdisciplinary and involves a variety of different sectors.

At the end of the project a model will be developed of how business-driven initiatives can contribute to a successful sustainable urban development.

The project consists of five different focus groups: Civic authorities, Business, the social dimension, Model for new construction and Sustainability Impact Assessment. Our definition of Business Driven Sustainability: Collaboration processes for sustainable urban development to create solutions for environmental and social challenges and to create sustainable business opportunities and jobs.

The results are developed further in the project Business oriented Sustainable Urban Development


Sandoff, A. & Eriksson, E. (2015). Experiences from Joint Knowledge Production for Urban Change in Pilot Project 4 “Business Driven Sustainable Urban Development”. (Mistra Urban Futures Report 2012:5). Gothenburg: Mistra Urban Futures.
Type: Report/Paper/Working paper/Brief
Eriksson, E., Sandoff, A., Värmby, G., Rönnborg, P., Jensen, C., Molnar, S., Bergstrand, B.O., Antonsson, A.B., Elias, K., Kildsgaard, I., Bolin, L. & Wolf, C. (2013). Affärsdriven hållbar stadsutveckling: Goda exempel och potential (Mistra Urban Futures Report 2013, Pilotprojekt). Gothenburg: Mistra Urban Futures
Type: Report/Paper/Working paper/Brief


  • Intervju med projektledarna Elin Eriksson och Anders Sandoff
  • Goda exempel: Hammarby sjöstad
  • Goda exempel: Eco Viikki
  • Goda exempel: Stadsskogen i Alingås