Housing Futures Community-Led Housing network launch 8th December 2018
Community-led housing is experiencing a revival in the UK not seen since the 1970s - but how should we understand its potential contribution amidst a widespread crisis in access to affordable housing and homelessness?
The Housing Futures research partnership has been engaging with this question with specific reference to Greater Manchester over the past 12 months and will be launching our research findings on Saturday 8th December.
The panel includes local residents sharing their experiences of top-down regeneration and resistance to demolitions;
Dr Richard Goulding will share key messages from the Housing Futures findings and recommendations; and City Mayor of Salford Paul Dennett, Housing Lead for the Greater Manchester Combined Authority will be speaking on how the Combined Authority is engaging with the housing futures findings.
The event includes workshops, film screenings and a planning meeting for the new regional enabling hub that Housing Futures is contributing to establishing in partnership with a consortium of other organisations in the city-region.
Date: 8 December 2018
Time: 13:00 - 16:30 (GMT)
Location: Mechanics Institute (main hall)
103 Princess Street
M1 6DD
United Kingdom (UK)
Photo by: Marc Olivier Jodoin/Unsplash