Hållbara livsstilar: Ett ramverk för fortsatt arbete

Eneqvist, E. & Kalmendal, R. Hållbara livsstilar. Ett ramverk för fortsatt arbete. Mistra Urban Futures Report 2017:3

Publication type
Rapport/Paper/Working paper/Brief
Sustainable Lifestyles - Tools and Methods
Erica Eneqvist Robin Kalmendal
Published year



In order to solve complex societal challenges, technological development is not enough, there is also a need to change our lifestyles. But how can we accelerate the realization of the vision of sustainable lifestyles while we are waiting for global and national instruments? What is a sustainable lifestyle? A starting point for this report is that sustainable lifestyles are first and foremost a vision. The report is intended to inspire those who have recently begun working with the vision, or as a support for those who want to further develop an already started work. The content may be of particular interest to public sector actors, but also for students, researchers and civil society organizations. This report focuses on the local and regional level, what can be done within our cities, industries or areas of interest. Global and national instruments have a major impact on how we live our lives, but in this report we focus on the things possible to achieve through collaboration, inspiration, and by making the simple choices the right. In addition, we discuss how we can involve other competences and actors than those usually involved in the work. The actions and choices made during an ordinary day are important for the potential of present and future generations to have a good life. The societal challenges are complex, and the insight that technological development is insufficient to solve the challenges, the interest in influencing people's behavior has increased among researchers and politicians. However, the insight that small or single behavioral changes are not enough to achieve the goals has resulted in a discussion about the possibility of changing the entire pattern of behaviors and habits; our lifestyles. Three different methods have been used to collect the material for the report: identification of stakeholders, literature studies and stakeholder dialogue. A particular attention was directed to creative professionals, such as designer and advertisers, and how they can contribute to the work. In addition, the dialogue was complemented with interviews with academics and business actors who have experiences from working with sustainable lifestyles. There is a need to coordinate different initiatives, as well as direct the work towards common and clear goals. The report is therefore based on four different approaches that together create a framework for the future work, a way to get more out of the work done. The approaches are described in four chapters; Firstly, it is important to CONCRETIZE what a sustainable lifestyle is, and paint the vision in words and pictures that are simple for all people to understand. Secondly, we should FOCUS our efforts in those areas where we have the greatest opportunity to make a lasting difference. Thirdly, we need to ACT based on knowledge and experience already available. Finally, the complexity of the question requires that we COLLABORATE better. Within each of the chapter there is a theory section, comments from interviews and final recommendations to continue working with.

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