Urban Lunch-time: The City bridging the river
Four international teams present their suggestions about Frihamnen and Ringön
In early 2011 Centrala Älvstaden invited the world to participate in an international workshop regarding the future of RiverCity Gothenburg. The purpose of the workshop was to broaden the understanding and receive input and ideas on how to develop the RiverCity area and Gothenburg as a whole. Ten teams participated. Now there are four left. Welcome to take part of their visions, thoughts and ideas about Frihamnen and parts of Ringön!
Moderator: Bo Aronsson
Date: 9 april
Time: 11.30-13.00
Place: Stadsmuseet, Norra Hamngatan 12, Göteborg
Registration: The registration is closed.
Did you miss the seminar or want to watch it again?
Watch the rest of the presentations at Mistra Urban Futures You Tube Channel