Comparing Urban Futures

Many cities and city-regions around the world grappling with the challenges of sustainable urban development and climate change, through developing governance structures, policy frameworks and engagement processes to bring partners together. Whilst the GAPS project (link) compares these issues across Greater Manchester, Gothenburg, Kisumu and Cape Town, this project seeks to understand how cities across England are developing comparable approaches to the governance, policy and knowledge base for sustainable urban development.

Focussing on Bristol, Birmingham, Leeds, Leicester and Greater Manchester, this project draws on desk-based research and interviews to consider the challenges and opportunities, tensions and pressures, in governing sustainable urban development in 21st century England. It reflects on the extent to which contemporary challenges since 2012 are bringing about convergence or divergence in approaches. 


Hildreth, P. (2013). Comparing urban futures: spatial networks for sustainable urban development. Conference paper presented at The Committee of the Regional Science Association International: British and Irish Section 42nd Annual Conference, Sidney Sussex College. Cambridge, U.K., 2013.
Type: Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)
Hildreth, P. Regional Studies Association Global Conference 2014: From Vulnerable Places to Resilient Territories: The Path to Sustainable Development, Regional Studies Association. Fortaleza, Brazil, 2014
Type: Konferensbidrag (refereegranskat)
Hildreth, P. (2013). Comparative urban futures: spatial networks for sustainable urban development. (Mistra Urban Futures Greater Manchester Working Paper 2012). Gothenburg: Mistra Urban Futures.
Type: Rapport/Paper/Working paper/Brief