Happy Urban October!
The 31 October is World Cities Day and it marks the end of "Urban October" that started with World Habitat Day 5 October.
"Streets and public spaces have often been overlooked and undervalued, but are increasingly being considered the backbone of cities. Public spaces are places which are accessible and enjoyable by all without a profit motive and take on various spatial forms, including parks, streets, sidewalks, markets and playgrounds.
In 2011, UN-Habitat adopted resolution on sustainable urban development through access to quality urban public spaces.
Good public spaces enhance community cohesion and promote health, happiness, and well-being for all citizens as well as fostering investment, economic development and environmental sustainability.
Well designed and managed public spaces and streets are a key asset for a city’s livability and economy:
- Increases property values
- Multiplies retail activity
- Enhances safety
- Fosters social cohesion and equality
- Improves health and well-being
- Improves the environment
- Makes the city more attractive
- Promotes more effective and efficient transportation and mobility"
Also the Sustainable Development Goals that were adopted by the UN General Assembly last week recognises public spaces in the urban context as a particular target for the Urban SDG (Goal 11, target 7): "By 2030, provide universal access to safe, inclusive and accessible green and public spaces, in particular for women and children, older persons and persons with disabilities).”
The whole month is called "Urban October", ending with a "Cities Day" the 31 October.
For Mistra Urban Futures activities during "Urban October", please see our Events page.