Urban CoMapper© The Sustainable Compact and Green City
The citizens are an important part of creating the city they are living in but a knowledge gap in the connection between the city and the citizens has been identified. This lack of encompassing citizens’ interpretation, and the communication gap between citizen and city experts, calls for alternatives to mainstream the urban design process. To create more resilient processes, the citizens must be engaged.
Urban CoMapper© system aims to understand the connections between the citizen, the built environment, and city experts. It gives the participants a tool to effectively, and democratically, communicate with planning authorities and participate in the sustainable urban planning process.
The approach investigates the citizen’s link to their immediate built environment by exploring their perception of urban conditions, to identify potential creative and livability strategies, within two research urban typologies; ‘Urban Green Potential’ and ‘Compact Mixed City’.
The Urban CoMapper© application, designed with interdisciplinary collaboration and with trans-disciplinary efforts with GIS specialists and software designers, utilizes the accessibility of smartphones and diverse geo-technology to create a versatile urban survey mapping system.
Urban CoMapper systems map