Social Capital, Fisherfolk and Climate Change Adaptation
The post-doc researcher is undertaking a unique study that will run beyond 2020 that provides a knowledge area for addressing an emerging area in urbanization. The research topic is Social Capital, Fisherfolk and climate change adaptation.
Literature indicates that migration of fishermen from one area to another due to the fluctuations of fish supply is not a new phenomenon. The fishermen usually rely on their social networks to establish where to move in search for fish. However, it is also documented that climatic changes have led to the fluctuation of fish volumes in most water bodies. This research seeks to establish what effect this has had on the fishefolk’s social capital and what adjustments they have had to make to adapt in the face of climate change. The focus will be on landing beaches within Kisumu. This research will lead to production of a journal paper. Also embedded in the research will be postgraduate Training. The planned activities for this thematic area in 2019 include:
• Build research ideas generated from MUF Conference 2018
• Workshops for sharing research findings
• Postgraduate Student Exchange Programme