Safe, Efficient Vehicle Solutions – SEVS2
Developing better transportation system solutions contributes to creating more sustainable cities. Twenty partners in Shanghai, China and Gothenburg, Sweden are working together to identify the requirements for an effective transformation of today’s road transport systems into more sustainable ones.
Holistic approach
The transition of road transport systems require the knowledge and active involvement of many different stakeholders. The SEVS2 project therefore adopts a holistic approach where vehicles are regarded as a component in the larger traffic system. The project involves actors from inside and outside of the automotive industry. Mistra Urban Futures is contributing to the project with knowledge and experience regarding sustainable urban development issues in general and more specifically regarding how transport systems are sitauted in – and affected by – the governance systems of our cities.
Analytical model identifying key driving forces
An analytical model will be developed to explain the key driving forces behind the development of road transportation systems, how these driving forces influence the future road transport, what is required for an effective transformation from today’s transport systems, and the systemic consequences of electro mobility. The analytical model, together with scenarios developed in SEVS1 as well as existing knowledge, provides a holistic approach and analysis of future road transport systems of cities. In future city road transport systems, electromobility is explored as one of the main solutions for personal and goods transport.
Benefits of the project
Benefits of the project include what is required for electro mobility to be one of the main road transport solutions and how such mobility can be implemented from both societal and technological perspectives. Equally important is the model of key driving forces and the experiences and methods gained on how to address complex transformation challenges in a multidisciplinary team.
Ability to analyze complex challenges
One paricular purpose of the project is to strengthen the Swedish automotive industry´s ability to analyze and address the complex global societal and technological challenges related to transitions towards a sustainable mobility and transport system by 2030.