Integration Syndicate
Closely linked with the other CTLIP work on land and housing and spatial transformation in Cape Town, the Integration Syndicate focuses on exploring how to shift stubborn spatial patterns. This process will entail a series of ten “episodes” to fulfill the following set of objectives:
- To create an open, critical, creative and patient space for learning and exchange about the drivers of spatial injustice and the elements of potential remedies;
- To foster an informed debate about the historical and contemporary factors that reproduce spatial injustice;
- To clarify potential areas for joint action between different actors in the city committed to creating more favourable institutional and political conditions for the pursuit of spatial integration;
- To identify a research agenda pursued by various actors—universities, NGOs, social movements, private sector, public sector, and civic associations—in the service of keeping spatial justice on the policy and action agenda of the city.
The episodes commenced in 2017 and will finalise in 2018. High-level public officials, activists, academics and property developers have been attending the episodes, working towards some practical suggestions for spatial transformation in Cape Town. The project will culminate in an exhibition of findings and propositions.