Green production - Growing food and work in the city
Green Production aims to create opportunities for urban agriculture that is financially viable within and around the city.
Green Production will build knowledge and conduct research by bringing together key stakeholders around a number of focus-projects within the area. The original idea regarding these focus-projects are that they either will be based in a specific spot and, for example, linking new technologies with new jobs, or involve a process where entrepreneurs meet landowners, consumers, wholesalers, etc. The goal of these focus-projects, in addition to gather knowledge and create new contacts and networks, is that they may develop a number of innovative urban agriculture projects and business ideas in and around the city.
Martin Berg, Studiefrämjandet, presents the Green Production project at a workshop in Hammarkullen 4 February 2016
During the first year of the project (2013) the project have mapped and involved urban agriculture networks and key stakeholders with the purpose to form the focus of the project together. This has led to the development of two innovative urban agriculture focus-projects/areas: 1) Education and 2) Business models for urban agriculture. During the second year (2014) the project will deepen and develop knowledge in the two focus projects.
Read more about the focus-projects (only available in Swedish, links will be ready soon)
- Education
- New Business models for urban agriculture
The project is run by Chalmers University of Technology, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute and Studiefrämjandet. The project is run In close collaboration with the County Administrative Board, Pilotprojektkontoret, City of Gothenburg (the Property Management Administration, Development North East and the Environmental Administration) Stadsjord, Changemaker and Coompanion. The project has been granted financial support from the Delegation for Sustainable Cities.
The project collaborates with the following projects:
- Stadslandet, a urban agricultural project within Development North East at City of Gothenburg
- Sustainable Foods, an EU-project run by the Environmental Department at City of Gothenburg
- Matlandet, led by County Administrative Board
- Stadsnära odling, led by Property Management Administration at City of Gothenburg
- Lab 190, led by Västarvet at Region Västra Götaland
Infoblad Grön Produktion