KLIP Days in Kisumu
The annual KLIP Days organised by Mistra Urban Futures Local Interaction Platform in Kisumu (KLIP) includes both public events and conferences for officials and researchers connected to the urban development of Kisumu, Kenya's third largest city. This year, the fourth annual event puts it focus on a range of issues, all very important for the local development of the city and the surrounding region. The questions being discusses included
- Technology as a Vehicle for Wealth Creation
- Agricultural and Food Security Strategy for Kisumu County
- Utilization and Management of Green Energy and water Resources
- Securing Cultural Heritage for Economic Development
The importance of intermediate cities, i.e. cities with up to 1 million inhabitants, like Kisumu, has recently received more attention, not least as part of the preparations for next year's Habitat III meeting in Quito, Ecuador in October 2016. Mistra Urban Futures partner Citiscope has published a couple of articles on the subject, e.g. concerning the need to include the medium sized cities in The New Urban Agenda.
For more information contact LIP Director, prof Stephen G Agong, or Mistra Urban Futures Event manager, Ulrica Gustafsson