Highlights and interviews in Gothenburg Region Annual Report 2018
- in collaboration with Mistra Urban Futures
The report Collaboration on Sustainable Urban Development in Mistra Urban Futures has been published annually since 2011 to provide a picture of the Gothenburg Region’s work on sustainable urban development within Mistra Urban Futures.
The report is based on the collaboration and knowledge-building that takes place in GR’s network for Mistra Urban Futures - where all 13 member municipalities participate to a greater or lesser extent. The report also outlines which projects and activities the Gothenburg Region has been involved in throughout the year.
Sandra Valencia, researcher at Mistra Urban Futures, is working with the local level implementation of the SDGs in seven cities around the world. Sandra is Lead Researcher for the project Implementing the New Urban Agenda and The Sustainable Development Goals, one of our comparative projects working with cities in the world.
In Gothenburg Region Annual Report you can read about projects and collaborations with Mistra Urban Futures. One of the highlights is an interview with Sandra Valencia. Read the full Annual Report below.
The municipality of Buenos Aires realized that homelessness was an important indicator that was totally missing from the national level indicators. Such interpretations may be interesting for all cities to look at
Sandra Valencia, Lead researcher
Hello Sandra Valencia!
You are a researcher at Mistra Urban Futures and leader of the Mistra Urban Futures project “Implementing the New Urban Agenda and The Sustainable Development Goals: Comparative Urban Perspectives”.
What is the project about? "We’re investigating how different cities have interpreted, implemented and engaged with the New Urban Agenda and Agenda 2030 goals. The cities included in the project are Gothenburg, Malmö, Cape Town (South Africa), Kisumu (Kenya), Sheffield (UK), Shimla (India) and Buenos Aires (Argentina). We look at how the individual cities are working on implementing the Agenda, but the project also focuses on mutual learning between the cities".
What can municipalities learn from each other regarding implementation of Agenda 2030? "Although the cities are very different in terms of size and resources, there is still potential for the cities to learn from each other. Some city administrations have done mapping exercises to identify the most relevant goals for them at the local level, while others have developed communication materials and campaigns to raise awareness about Agenda 2030. Many have benefited from exchanging experiences on how the Agenda 2030 efforts have been organized within each city administration; some have worked through teams in existing sustainability offices or international offices, while others have started a dedicated Agenda 2030 office."