Current calls
Presentation by The Swedish Research Council Formas and lunch
Researchers from universities and institutes as well as practitioners from the public sector and industry are welcome.
Conny Rolén from Formas will present open calls on sustainable building and planning and forest raw materials. He will also present JPI Urban Europe. A discussion and matchmaking session will follow with focus on the sustainable building and planning call.
Date: Thursday December 11
Time: 12.00-14.15
Place: Mistra Urban Futures, Läraregatan 3, Göteborg
Register: No later than December 9
12.00 Lunch (sandwich)
12.30 Conny Rolén, Formas, presents the calls
13.10-14.15 Questions, discussions and matchmaking
Open calls
Sustainable building and planning – deadline 2015.02.19.
Forest raw materials and biomass: Sustainable primary production (II) – deadline 2015.02.11.
The ERA-NET Smart Cities and Communities (ENSCC).
Questions about the event? Ulrica Gustafsson, Ulrica.gustafsson@chalmers.se, Event manager, 0721-88 55 88