Urban Research
Urban station communities – What are they and what will they become?
Are you interested in Urban station communities? Join Urban Research, discuss and listen to Anne Leeman, Brussels, Secretary - General at the Yellow design Foundation.
Date: Dec 6th
Time: 1.00-4.00 pm and After Work
Place: Gothenburg, Vera Sandbergs Allé 8, at Vasa 6 (Chalmers Vasa area)
Purpose: Discuss challenges about urban planning in station communities and develop research questions to enable a research project about urban station communities. See invitation below.
Invited guest: Anne Leemans, Brussels, Secretary - General at the Yellow Design Foundation.
Please register: The seminar is full.
- 1.00–1.15pm Introduction, Ann-Louise Hohlfält and Jessica Algehed, Mistra Urban Futures
- 1.15–2.00pm Low Carbon stations for Low carbon cities- Quick-scan desk research on trends, challenges and opportunities in adapting urban interchanges for low carbon future, Anne Leemans, Yellow Design Foundation
- 2.00–2.30pm The creation of a project to develop Urban Station Communities. What challenges do municipalities and government agencies face and what are their needs of knowledge? Alice Dahlstrand, Trafikverket and Amie Ramstedt, Göteborgsregionens Kommunalförbund.
- 2.30–2.45pm Coffee break
- 2.45–4.00pm Discussions
- 4.00pm- After Work at Chalmersvillan
Questions? Amie Ramstedt, amie.ramstedt@grkom.se, +46 (0) 303-738218 or Alice Dahlstrand, alice.dahlstrand@trafikverket.se, +46 (0 )10-1235983, +46 (0) 70-2548872
Read about the project Urban station communities – the path towards resource-efficient travels
Ann Lemans presentation
Illustration: Emelie Göransson