Dar Es Salaam road picture and caption Consolidation phase funded by sida

Communicating Insights From
Research to Diverse Audiences


This is the first in a series of three events primarily for the African Urban Research Initiative. The two remaining take place 11 and 25 March.



Introduction (10 min): Why is it important to communicate your work to diverse audiences? What is the difference between a communication strategy and a tool? How can individual, project, and institutional communication support one and other?
AURI Presenter (15 min): Dr. Priscila Izar and Dr. Elinorata Mbuya, Human Settlements Studies (IHSS) at Ardhi University, will reflect on the experience of communicating to non-academic audiences, Dar es Salaam CityLab.
Mistra Presenter (15 min): Dr. Zarina Patel, Environmental and Geographical Science at the University of Cape Town and Amy Davison from City of Cape Town, will share insights on how to find a common ground to communicate to and with policy makers.
Q&A (30 min)
Practical skill section (100 min): Alma Viviers, the African Centre for Cities’ head of communications, will provide a skills building session on communication strategies and tools. The session will help participants map potential channels for their work, understand different audiences which they want their work to speak to and target these audiences effectively. Participants will have an opportunity to pick one element of the strategy and work on refining it after the workshop. This will be done with the support from ACC.
Concluding remarks & next steps (10 min)


Image credit: Sarah Birasa at unsplash.com

online event