New Acting Platform Director in Gothenburg
Margareta Forsberg, Director, Mistra Urban Futures Gothenburg Platform leaves the Centre at the end of February to head the Gothenburg Regions’ Research and Development department. Elma Durakovic, today coordinator, will step in as Acting Director.

“I have had two exciting and informative years at Mistra Urban Futures Gothenburg platform. The Centre’s work is extremely important, and I am very happy to have gotten to know so many committed people within different fields who work together towards sustainable urban development. I wish everyone the best of luck and hope that we can find fruitful collaborations based on my new role as R&D manager at the Gothenburg Region”, says Margareta Forsberg.
Elma Durakovic, former coordinator for the Gothenburg platform since 2016 will now take on the role as Acting Director with a focus on operationally managing the platform from set strategies together with the partnership behind the platform.
“First of all, I want to express my gratitude to Margareta Forsberg for her efforts to further strengthen the Gothenburg Platform and the collaboration between the partners involved, between researchers and practitioners in our effort to realise just cities”, says David Simon, Director, Mistra Urban Futures.

“During the period of transition, David Simon continues, as we approach the end of programme funding from Mistra and the Gothenburg Consortium Council, continuity and familiarity with the complex operations of the Gothenburg Platform will be essential. We are therefore very grateful that Elma Durakovic has agreed to become Acting Director over the coming months, ably assisted by Sanna Isemo, coordinator, since they work very effectively together and with the rest of the team. The Centre’s Secretariat will provide their full support”, Director David Simon concludes.
Contact Viveka Blomgren, Head of Administration, Mistra Urban Futures,