Organising for Co-Production: Local Interaction Platforms for Urban Sustainability

Perry, B., Patel, Z., Bretzer, Y. N., & Polk, M. (2018). Organising for Co-Production: Local Interaction Platforms for Urban Sustainability. Politics and Governance, 6(1), 189. doi:10.17645/pag.v6i1.1228

Gothenburg Cape Town Sheffield-Manchester Global
Publication type
Scientific article (peer-reviewed)
DOI Title
Organising for Co-Production: Local Interaction Platforms for Urban Sustainability
Politics and Governance
Beth Perry Zarina Patel Ylva Norén Bretzer Merritt Polk
Published year
Co-production Local interaction platforms sustainability



Urban sustainability is a wicked issue unsuited to management through traditional decision-making structures. Co-productive arrangements, spaces and processes are inscribed in new organisational forms to bridge between diverse forms of knowledge and expertise. This article suggests that <em>local interaction platforms </em>(LIPs)<em> </em>are innovative responses to these challenges, developed in two African and two European cities between 2010 and 2014. Through elaborating the design and practice of the LIPs, the article concludes that the value of this approach lies in its context-sensitivity and iterative flexibility to articulate between internationally shared challenges and distinctive local practices. Six necessary conditions for the evolution of LIPs are presented: anchorage, co-constitution, context-sensitivity, alignment, connection and shared functions. In the context of increased uncertainty, complexity and the demand for transdisciplinary knowledge production, the <em>platform</em> concept has wider relevance in surfacing the challenges and possibilities for more adaptive urban governance.

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