Learning from Failing Dialogues for Sustainable Urban Development
Come listen to inspiring stories about when dialogues for urban development didn’t go as expected.
You will share your lunchtime with eminent experts with different roles in sustainable urban development. They will share their failures and what they have learned when sustainable urban development is headed by participatory design,including citizens as part of the solution rather than as the problem, creating bridges of trust between people, government and business.
“With the right design, sustainability is nothing but the rigorous use of common sense”
The Gothenburg Award for Sustainable Development winner Alejandro Aravena and his team at Elemental Gonzalo Arteaga, Juan Ignacio Cerda , Víctor Oddó & Diego Torres
“Dialogues in urban development is a key factor for sustainability”
Daniel Andersson, City of Gothenburg, Social resource management, Social development
“Hearing is believing? Why urbanists fail to understand the failure of dialogues”
Joakim Forsemalm, Associate Professor Ethnology Radar arkitektur & planering
When & where
Date: 22 November 2017
Time: 11.30 - 13.00 (Lunch will be served 12.30)
Location: Museum of World Cultures, Södra vägen 54, Gothenburg
Sign up before 2017-11-17 at: http://bit.ly/2zSgGRg
The event is free of charge.
Contact information
Anna Nordén,
SDSN Northern Europe
Caroline Petersson,
GAME Network
Ulrica Gustafsson,
Mistra Urban Futures